My name is Joseph Lukas and I am 32 years old. I live in Mkolani ward of Mwanza city. I’m a father of three children who are Fausta (9), Pater (5), and Prisca (2). My wife helps me in selling popcorn while I deal with selling sugar cane juice. We all live in a rented house of two rooms where we pay Tanzanian shillings 40,000/= per month. I was involved in this CII project because of Mr. Dickson who prays in the same church we do. He is the one who helped me with ideas to improve my project. The success I got in this project included getting money that has been helping me take care of my family. The challenge I am going through is not having a cane juice making machine. This lack of my own machine leads to my needing to borrow a machine; which isn't always available to use. I also face a shortage of supplies for my business such as glasses, packaging, and popcorn.