My name is Kokubanza Daniel. I am thirty-four years old, married, and have three children. My main job is the Nsenene business in the city of Mwanza. I started my business in 2015 and since that time, I have continued to do it. Through this business, I have promoted myself in the markets here in Mwanza, and due to selling good products of reliable quality, I have found myself getting support from people of various ethnic groups, some of whom are not even Haya but really like the products I sell. Dickson is also not a Haya but he has been my biggest client and he gave me information about the CII opportunity. The challenge I am facing is not having enough capital to buy packaging, high transportation fares in Kagera, and rising fuel prices. I am asking for your help so that I can improve my project and enable me to bring in a reasonable income.